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Environmental impact assessment allows for examining the impact of the planned project on specific elements of the environment. An environmental report aims to identify threats and apply appropriate actions that will make it possible to limit or even eliminate harmful environmental impacts. This is mainly about regulating such negative factors as emission of gases or disruptive noises into the environment.
The basic legal acts specifying the rules for the preparation of documentation are:
As you can see, there are many legal bases in this case and you need to have a lot of knowledge and practice to efficiently navigate the above-mentioned acts and regulations. It is worth entrusting the environmental impact assessment to an experienced person who has dealt with many projects and will not make basic mistakes. Otherwise, any possible deficiencies or errors in the documentation will most likely delay the completion of the necessary formalities. If the report requires many amendments, then it may be returned to make the necessary correction. It should also be borne in mind that the preparation of the document itself takes quite a long time, so for many investors every day is worth its weight in gold.
The environmental impact assessment is performed when, after submitting the Project Information Sheet, the body issuing the environmental decision finds that there is a need to prepare an EIA, after analyzing the criteria mentioned in Article 63, paragraph 1 on disclosing information about the environment and its protection, community participation in nature conservation. Said authority also defines the scope of the environmental report. A similar case is an investment which can be described as always having a significant (negative) impact on the environment. The documentation should then be prepared in full.
Sometimes a planned investment project may have an impact on a Natura 2000 area, then we also have to prepare an EIA report.
Trust our experienced experts. AvesNature has been developing carefully prepared documentation that allows investors to go through all official processes without waiting for a long time for the possibility of investment implementation. Over the years, we have acquired a solid dose of knowledge that we want to share. The large number of reports that we have prepared makes us proud and encourages further development. Please do not hesitate to contact us and our specialists will help you deal with any problem.
As a result, we obtain a document containing up to several hundred pages with numerous attachments and detailed maps. With such a number of analyzed elements, starting from technical matters, through environmental aspects and ending with social and cultural ones, cooperation of all subcontractors involved in the creation of the documentation is necessary. The preparation of such a report is carried out by specialized companies and teams of experts. Experts cooperate with each other for the main contractor of the environmental impact assessment.
The price of an environmental impact report is very variable. The cost of providing the service depends on the size, complexity of the project, location of the future investment and indicative impacts on local nature and possible social protests. The final price is also affected by the requirements of the authorities to which the report will be submitted. They may differ depending on the region of the country. It should be remembered that even before the development of the environmental impact assessment, the so-called Project Information Sheet is usually prepared. If the Project Information Sheet is extensive and has a lot of information that will be used in the preparation of the report, then it’s possible to pay less for the documentation. The range of prices at which a report can be prepared starts from 2 000 PLN and can reach even tens of thousands of zlotys net. It is worth noting that qualified report contractors can determine the final price of the report only after analyzing the scope of detail agreed by the given entity. It is discretionary and may deviate significantly from the general scope defined in the act. Thus, it increases the workload connected with preparing the documentation.
We determine whether a given project qualifies for an environmental impact assessment based on its type. We specify this with the help of technical and technological values, the size of the activity, and in particular – toxicity to the surrounding environment.
Polish law defines the following division for projects:
Group I – these are investments that can always have a significant impact on the environment. Conducting an EIA is obligatory in this case.
Group II– these are projects that may have a significant impact on nature. Whether it will be necessary to carry out an environmental report is determined by a provision. The results of the qualification have an impact here.
Membership to a particular group is defined in the regulation of the Council of Ministers, which was issued pursuant to Article 60 of the Act on sharing information about the environment and its protection, public participation in environmental protection and environmental impact assessment. It takes into account the possible impact of specific investments on the environment.
Investments that require an EIA | Investments for which an EIA may or may not be required |
We have specialists in many fields: ornithologist, herpetologist, mammalogist and chiropterologist, ichthyologist, entomologist, botanist and lichenologist, dendrologist and others.
We have completed over 400 environmental and natural documentations across all of Poland (including many ecological surveys and valuations).
We have over 20 years of experience in nature conservation and scientific research. We have been continuously operating in the environmental protection industry for over 10 years.In the environmental protection industry itself, we have been continuously operating for over 10 years.
The development of an environmental impact assessment is a long-term and complex process. The preparation of the ecological survey itself, which is a component of the EIA report, takes at least a year. Organizing the operation of specific subcontractors and preparing the final study takes another few months. It is worth bearing in mind, however, that this time is necessary in order to carry out large-scale investments without hindrance.
An example of an environmental impact assessment is presented below. Based on the template below, we prepare the entire document with great care and reliability. We cordially invite you to familiarize yourself with our template. If you have any questions, please contact our specialists. FREE estimate.
Sample environmental impact report
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