Environmental compensation

What do we offer?

We provide comprehensive services in the field of mitigating the negative effects of construction investments. The implementation of some investments, especially the more extensive ones, often entails interference with the natural environment that is difficult to avoid. The environmental impact of the investment is limited by environmental compensation.

What are the compensatory measures?

There are several main areas in which environmental compensation is carried out. It most often applies to the transfer of habitats or individual plants and animals or their restoration in an appropriate place, adjacent or distant from the investment.


Environmental compensation may, for example, consist in the recreation of a pond occupied by a strip of a newly built road. It can also be the transplantation of habitats or the transplanting of valuable plant species threatened by the investment. Relocation of an anthill is also a part of the compensatory measures. The most obvious example of compensatory measures is installation of nest boxes for birds or bats that have lost their hollows as a result of tree felling.

How much does it cost?

Cena kompensacji przyrodniczej jest określana indywidualnie, w zależności od proponowanych do wdrożenia działań. Rozpiętość cenowa jest w tym przypadku bardzo duża. Może wynieść kilkaset złotych w przypadku instalacji budek lęgowych. Koszt bardziej złożonych działań, jak transplantacja siedlisk będzie wielokrotnie wyższy.

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forest relocating an anthill