Road and rail infrastructure

Road construction – what is needed for implementation?

As a rule, road construction projects are investments that may potentially have an impact on the environment, which means that in most cases a full administrative path is necessary, including the preparation of an environmental impact report. In the case of construction or extension of short sections, implementation on the basis of a Project Information Sheet is possible.

EIA and Project Information Sheet

We provide complete environmental services for road and rail investments at every stage of implementation. These are preliminary pre-investment analyzes, such as environmental impact reports (EIA) and Project Information Sheets.

Ecological surveys

In addition, ecological surveys and environmental supervision during investment’s implementation. At the stage of the infrastructure operation, environmental monitoring of wildlife crossings and monitoring of animal mortality on roads may also be necessary. In the case of felling trees, an inventory of green spaces or an ornithological and chiropterological survey will be necessary.

photo of tracks and road flyover ecological surveys