Wind farms
Do wind farms still have a future?
There are currently over 1 200 wind farms in Poland, generating capacity equivalent to the amount of capacity installed in the largest domestic coal-fired unit in Bełchatów. However, changes in Polish law made it practically impossible to build new farms on land. Currently, only projects started before the amendment to the Renewable Energy Act are being implemented. Perhaps in the future the legal conditions will change and the industry will experience its second youth.
How can we help?
In the current legal situation, we are available as part of post-completion monitoring for wind farms. Our services include both ornithological and chiropterological monitoring. During the pre-investment procedure, a necessary appendix to the documentation may be an ecological survey or an ornithological survey.
Environmental monitoring
During field research and material analysis, we follow the applicable methodology and guidelines. We draw on current industry publications on the assessment of the impact of wind farms on birds and bats. In addition, we follow the latest foreign reports and specialist publications. Thanks to this, we are one step ahead of the domestic sources.