facade of a building with martin nests

Removal of bird nests that pose a sanitary or construction hazard.

Please be advised that according to the current regulations, only until the end of February (from 16 October) can we legally, without additional permits, remove bird nests from buildings or green areas that pose a danger to safety or health.

A stork on a roof can be a threat.

Usually, threats to the construction of buildings are caused by the nests of white storks Ciconia ciconia. They are built up every year and can eventually reach enormous proportions. The largest nests of this species are 1.5m in diameter, 2m high and weigh over 500 kilograms. Such a load is a real threat, for example to wooden ceilings of farm buildings.

A dangerous tick.

For sanitary reasons, it is worth considering the removal of the old city pigeon Columba livia f. urbana nests. These birds mostly nest in various types of nooks and crannies, in ventilation openings and in attics of buildings. One of the most common parasites in pigeons is the pigeon tick Argas reflexus. It is a species of tick. This species can also be dangerous to humans – it can painfully sting and transmit diseases, including Lyme disease. After removing the nests, it is worth spraying the surfaces with acaricides.

Useful house martins.

Sometimes the reason for wanting to remove nests is aesthetic. House martins Delichon urbicum often nest on the outer walls of residential buildings, but when removing their nests, remember that we are losing an ally in the fight against mosquitoes.


Regardless of the reasons for which you have to remove bird nests, remember to do it between October 16 and the end of February. By acting outside of these deadlines, we break the law, and most of all, we put the birds at the risk of destruction of their brood – eggs or chicks. Before closing vents, an ornithological survey will be required, regardless of the season.